Looking back at the HSRC Club Competitions 2022

  • Competitions
  • Posted: 13/09/2022
  • Author: Chris Salter / Alan Cantes

Saturday 2nd July saw the 2022 Hinckley Squash & Racketball Club Competitions come to their natural conclusion, ahead of our annual Summer BBQ Party for members and their guests. A good time was had by all, enjoying the quality of competition on show out of one eye whilst the other was keenly trained towards the burgers browning on the grill.

Congratulations to the winners and runners-up who made it through to the finals, namely:

Squash Knockout Final
Winner: Ali Mutch
Runner-up: Ben Fenwick

Squash Ladies Final*
Winner: Sara Gardner
Runner-up: Georgia Mutch

Racketball Final
Winner: Ali Mutch
Runner-up: Paul O'Hara

Squash Handicap Final
Winner: Paul O'Hara
Runner-up: Ben Daniel

Squash Over 50s Final
Winner: Dave Wood
Runner-up: Steve Johnson

Squash Over 60s Final
Winner: Tim Cox
Runner-up: Keith Judkins

Squash Doubles Final
Winner: Ben Fenwick & George Orton
Runner-up: Ali & Georgia Mutch

Squash Junior Girls Final
Winner: Grace Brown
Runner-up: Imogen Coiley

Squash Junior Boys Final*
Winner: Jackson Bowden
Runner-up: Jenson O'Hara

* These two finals had to be contested on another occasion due to prior commitments.

The Club is grateful to the following for their contribution to this superb event, namely: Tim Parratt (Competition organiser); Alan Cantes (Photography & Master of Ceremonies); Alison Nicholas & Terrie Godden for the excellent catering (aided by Maureen Lambert & Amy O'Hara); Steve & Yvonne Daniel, Alan Evans and John Lambert (for setting out the dining area tables); Rich Nicholas & Charles Waterlow (for organising the BBQs); Debbie and Luke (for running the bar); Georgia Mutch, Ben Fenwick, Paul O'Hara, Keith Judkins, Tim Solley, Alan Cantes, Andy Beal (for marking); President Charles Waterlow for presenting prizes to the Winners and proposing the Vote of Thanks. And not least, our thanks to everyone that participated in this year's competitions!